Colorado Nonprofit Association

The Impact of The Nonprofit Donor Revolt

Article provided by Business Member Innovest, Inc.

By Paul D’Alessandro published by NonProfitPRO

Wealthy donors are increasingly influencing nonprofit operations, often dictating terms and policies traditionally managed by executives. Paul outlines strategies for nonprofit leaders to balance donor influence with organizational autonomy.

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Promote a Healthy Workplace: 8 Questions You Should Regularly Ask


You’ve learned how to create a positive work environment by focusing on three areas. Now, put the third focus area, monitoring and promoting a healthy work environment, to practice. Ask yourself these eight questions to ensure the healthy of your workplace culture. 


Creating a Positive Culture within Your Nonprofit


Our nonprofits are in a unique position to offer the work experience where we capture employees’ hearts and unleash their joy through the purpose driven work we engage in every day. This article touches on the three areas nonprofit can focus on to create health work environments. 

View North Star HR Solutions’ additional resource on questions you should ask to ensure the health of your workplace culture. 


The New Salesforce Administrator Learning Journey

Contributed by: Paul Collier Consulting


In this document, Paul Collier shares his insights into the most efficient ways to build your Salesforce skills, and how to organize your work as a Salesforce Administrator. Although this resource was developed for those using Salesforce, many of the principles and guidelines can be applied to other databases. 

What you’ll find in this guide:


Six Cybersecurity Terms You Need to Know


Below are six cybersecurity terms that are important to know to help protect you and your organization from attacks. 


Is Cloud Computing Worth It?


Many organizations are asking themselves, “is cloud computing worth it?” It seems like everyone else is doing it, but is it the right move for your nonprofit? Here are three reasons why, yes, your organization should implement cloud computing. 


10 Considerations Before You Change IT Vendors

Contributed by: Onset Solutions

Your team relies on technology to keep your nonprofit up and running, and loses valuable work hours when it’s not functioning properly. What happens when your IT provider regularly doesn’t get back to you promptly? If you’re feeling neglected by your IT support, here are ten considerations to think about before you pull the plug.  


The Social Enterprise – Delicately Pursuing Programs & Profit

Contributed By: BKD CPAs & Advisors

Author: Steve Sauer, CPA


Measurement Systems Article


Developing and executing evaluation efforts within a non-profit organization can be challenging. As with many areas of non-profit management (i.e., those that don’t involve direct service provision), implementing evaluation processes requires some upfront investment of time and money, and may only make sense once an organization has reached a certain size and complexity.
