Rachel B. Cohen, MSW, MUP is the Principal and CEO of Aging- Dynamics. She has a diverse background in community planning and social work with a specialization in nonprofit management. With over 25 years’ experience working and consulting with public and private organizations of all sizes, and across sectors including aging, housing, public health, health care, social services, and community development; she offers a comprehensive perspective to multi-sector efforts. Her clients are often balancing the requirements of diverse funding sources from state and federal grants to private foundations and individual and corporate donors. Rachel draws on best practices and accesses expertise from content experts in multiple sectors to craft solutions to complex challenges while simultaneously building the capacity of her clients enabling them to increase efficiency and efficacy of their efforts. She has extensive experience in facilitation, strategic planning, program development and establishing strategic partnerships. She is a trained visual facilitator and believes in bringing the fun back into strategy development. Rachel holds a Bachelor’s in City Planning from the University of Virginia, a Master of Social Work with a focus on non-profit management, a Specialist in Aging Certificate, and a Master of Urban Planning from the University of Michigan.