There are many people in your town who have a wealth of knowledge and energy that would be a boon to your community planning efforts. Conducting a community network analysis is key to unlocking unrecognized potential and talent. Use this tool when conducting a stakeholder assessment to examine who to connect with and how.
Below is a sample Community Network Analysis. Please, visit Orton Family Foundation for the complete toolkit.
This tool is part of a larger collection of Heart & Soul resources by the Orton Family Foundation.
The Catalyst Fund for Nonprofits was created to demonstrate how strategic mergers and collaborations can help nonprofits pursue their missions. “Advice to Strengthen Strategic Mergers and Collaborations” captures the knowledge and experience gained from five years of work with more than 80 Boston-area nonprofits.
This article identifies suggested steps for creating an MOU, including who should be involved during certain steps.
Colorado Nonprofit Association suggests that your organization consult an attorney to help draft or review your MOU. Visit our Nonprofit Consultant Directory or check if your organization qualifies for pro bono legal assistance.
The article below describes the different elements of an MOU. Your collaboration can use the topics listed in the article to build an agreement that meets your partnership’s unique needs.
In a collaboration, a written agreement – contract, MOU or another type of formal agreement – is an important tool for building long-term stability and success.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is a written agreement, usually simpler and less formal than a legal contract, which outlines an agreement between parties. An MOU doesn’t need to include complicated legal conditions, exclusions, indemnifications, etc.
A contract is a legally-binding agreement between parties which is enforceable in a court of law. A contract generally includes language defining what would constitute a breach of contract, and outlines the damages or compensation due if a partner fails to fulfill its contractual obligations. A contract may also include indemnification provisions, detailing whether and how a partner bears legal responsibility for the actions of another partner. Compared with a less formal agreement, a contract provides more legal protection to each partner.
Colorado Nonprofit Association suggests your collaboration consult an attorney for assistance creating an agreement that meets the needs of your collaboration. Search our Nonprofit Consultant Directory or check to see if your organization qualifies for pro bono legal assistance.
After your organization has assessed how supportive your organizational culture will be of strategic alliances, a good next step is going through the process of identifying your organization’s motivations and priorities for engaging in such relationships.