Colorado Nonprofit Association

Publicity Report: Template and Tips


Below is a sample publicity report showing one way of capturing and reporting on media coverage of your organization.


Staff Biography Writing Guide


This guide provides recommended questions to ask when writing a staff biography. 


Countdown to Launch: How to make sure your rebranding has impact


Learn from Mission Minded founding partner Zach Hochstadt as he provides a real world walk through a successful rebranding effort. You’ll learn how to craft your organization’s messaging, train your staff, and create your own week-by-week plan for taking your brand from concept to launch.


Watch short clips from the presentation or view the complete recording.  

Activating Your Brand

3 minutes, 30 seconds | Learn how brand is more than just your logo or one touch point. What’s the strategy behind your brand?

Activating Your Brand

3 minutes, 30 seconds | Learn how brand is more than just your logo or one touch point. What’s the strategy behind your brand?

How We Look

7 minutes, 30 seconds | Look at real world examples of rebranding the visual identity. You’ll learn how brand is represented in logos, print materials, banners, websites, and more.

How We Sound

12 minutes | Do our words support our brand? Brand goes beyond your visual identity and should be reflected in your messaging. Hear Zach’s advice for creating your one-minute message, as well as examples from other organizations.

How We Act

12 minutes, 30 seconds | Do your actions support your brand? Learn how companies and organizations’ are reinforcing their brand through actions.

What We Do

6 minutes | How is brand reflected in your programs, fundraising, and operations? Learn how organizations are living their brand in a meaningful way.

The Power of Human Connection, St. Anthony Foundation

Planning for Launch

2 minutes | Learn how and when to implement a brand rollout. Suzi Mariano shares Northwest Colorado Health’s strategies from their rollout in 2016.

About the Presenters

Zach Hochstadt, Mission Minded

Zach Hochstadt is a founding partner of Mission Minded, a branding firm that works exclusively with nonprofit organizations and foundations. Over the last 15 years, the Denver and San Francisco-based firm has helped over 200 nonprofit organizations share their story more effectively, create a more dynamic visual identity, and enable board members and staff better represent their organizations. Clients include Boettcher Foundation, San Francisco Opera, National Federation of the Blind, and Children’s Museum of Denver.

Suzi Mariano, Northwest Colorado Health

Suzi Mariano is responsible for all aspects of internal and external marketing and development including marketing plans/budgets, donor relations, special events, and volunteer management. She has extensive experience in media relations and communications strategies. Prior to working at Northwest Colorado Health her work experience focused on marketing, advertising and developing imaging systems for hospital pathologists. Ms. Mariano received her Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Communications from Rochester Institute of Technology in 1998.

Full Video

Table of Contents

Blogging for Nonprofits

Blogging can be a useful digital marketing tool for your organization to gain visibility and engage with your audience. Through blogs, your organization can become a thought leader, increase website visitors, and more. Learn the most important aspects of blogging from C1 Partners.


Watch four short videos to learn the basics of blogging for your organization.

How to Generate Blog Content

3 minutes | Generating blog content can be easy when you start thinking about everything your organization does as content. Learn 11 ideas and tips for blog content.

How Often to Blog

3 minutes, 30 seconds | The most common question about blogging – how often to blog? Learn what C1 Partners recommends to have a successful blog.

How to Promote Your Blog

2 minutes | Learn the best ways to promote your blog, including social media, guest blogging, and more.

How to Measure Your Blog

2 minutes | Measuring a blog is just as important as the blog itself. Learn the best way to measure your blog beyond visitor numbers.

About the Presenter

Tyler Mandroian, C1 Partners

C1 Partners is a Denver-based digital marketing company dedicated to helping small and medium sized businesses develop and implement successful online marketing strategies. We offer a full scope of digital marketing solutions with emphasis on demand generation, from SEO, PPC, Social Media marketing to and lead nurturing. From business owners to marketing executives of small to medium sized businesses (SMBs), we use our expertise in inbound, B2C, and B2B marketing to help clients increase leads, conversions, and sales within the shortest span of time.

Additional Resources

C1 Partners – Find additional free, digital marketing resources from C1 Partners, including recorded presentations.

Considerations for Creating a Successful Marketing Strategy


In a perfect world, nonprofits wouldn’t have to spend time and energy crafting persuasively powerful marketing strategies to drive donations. Unfortunately, thanks to the millions of other nonprofits out there, existing is no longer cause enough; if you want to attract and retain donors, you need to have a foolproof marketing plan in place. The good news is, you don’t have to be a marketing guru to get results from your efforts. What you do need, however, is some know-how of what your marketing plan should entail.
