In the vast majority of nonprofit boardrooms, the debate over whether marketing is important and appropriate for mission-based nonprofit organizations is over. There is now widespread understanding that every nonprofit organization, from soup kitchen to symphony to synagogue, must employ effective marketing precuts to reach ever-changing target audiences, build relationship, and gain the responses, resources and support necessary to sustain the cause.
Many organizations struggle with copyright rules and regulations. Learn when and how to use copyright and trademark rules to your organization’s benefit. Below is copyright information from
Instructional template for creating press releases for your organization’s announcements.
Below is a sample media release form that may be customized for your organization to use when asking employees/those you serve to participate in media activities for the benefit of your organization.
This template offers strategies and instructions for creating or enhancing your organization’s online media room.
This template is a step-by-step guide to creating a Crisis Communications Plan specific to your organization’s needs.
Below is a template for creating an internal social media policy to be enforced by organizational leadership among staff and volunteers.
Today, most individuals and nonprofits have social media accounts that allow for sharing of information, engaging with others, building awareness, and more. As social media use continues to expand, it’s important to set clear expectations and guidelines.
Below is a template for creating an internal policy for staff interaction with the media.
Instructional template for creating short, media alerts to announce organizational events to the media.
This general overview provides helpful tips and suggestions for how to effectively give a media interview and can be used to guide an in-person media training for your organization.