Colorado Nonprofit Association

ReFUND CO | Refund What Matters

Whatever cause is important to you, this new tax refund donation program is an opportunity to directly support a local nonprofit that is doing important work in your community and that you know and trust.

In 2019, Colorado returned more than $1 billion in refunds to 1.9 million state taxpayers. In 2020, Coloradans who receive a state tax refund will have a chance to donate all or some of it to a local nonprofit they trust.

Imagine if state taxpayers chose to donate just a portion of their refunds; this outpouring of support would boost local community causes across Colorado and make a massive positive impact on our state.


This new state program, called ReFUND CO, will give you an opportunity to directly support a local nonprofit that is doing important work in your community. If you get a refund, it puts you in control of deciding if you want to donate some or all of it and choosing exactly which Colorado-registered charity will directly benefit. 

For eligible organizations, this provides a new way to fund important work in the community.


To participate, an organization must be a 501(c)(3), registered under the Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act (CCSA) for at least five years and in good standing as of September 1.

Visit this site for more information.

Sign up to receive updates and news about ReFUND CO and to stay informed about what matters to the campaign HERE.